Wednesday, February 4, 2015

How an Angel saved My Mother

Ok so a long time before I was born, I mean a LONG time 😉 My mom lived in Oklahoma City. Off 63rd and Walker, which She swears to me "wasn't a bad part of town back then" ok mom. She does have stories of roaming the neighborhood "all day, til the street lights came on" So I believe Her, bc there's no way in Hell My girls would roam our neighborhood, and We live in Moore haha; But that was 30 years ago and times have changed a lot! I would love to feel comfortable enough to let my kids out of my sight but there's just no telling what could happen these days. Its a shame.
   Anyways, my moms best friend, Sandy lived across the street from her and they did everything together. She's a couple of years older than my mom so of course my mom thought she was the shiznit. Which apparently She was bc my grandma disliked her strongly lol. Which is understandable, but my mom and grandma didn't get along well so Sandy's house was where my mom spent most of Her time (I'm sure if we had family in Belair, CA... She would've been sent there in a cab and I'd like to think when She would've got there, She would've got out of the cab saying "yo, smell ya later") but that's a whole different story.
   Apparently either Sandy's parents were never home or just didn't care but according to my mom there were lots of "get togethers" My mom was a sophomore and Sandy was a senior, so of course Sandy was the bee's knees (I don't even know what that means, Do bee's have knees?) Anyways, She was cool.
   Fast forward a couple of years, mostly bc I don't know what exactly happened in that time period. Did Sandy go to college? Did She stay home after She graduated? If not, How'd they keep in touch without cellphones and email? This was way before the Zac Morris Cell Phone!
   Off Subject, well not really, do y'all remember Pagers? Haha I remember wanting one so bad! But then after while of seeing my friends with theirs and they'd hear that "beep beep beep" or if you were cool they put it on vibrate; and as soon as they looked at it You could just tell it was their Mom, bc it said "911" and then your friend bee lined it to the closest phone, and you could hear her mom on the other end saying "get home now, or I will kill you!" Good feeling gone.  I then decided I did not want one.
   Anyways, if you haven't noticed by now I have A.D.D lol My next paragraph will be about Tiger Lilly's. Which by the way is my favorite flower. Omg see I almost started this paragraph with the beautiful orange Lilly with tiger stripes. I guess I might as well finish the paragraph, bc I know you're dying why that's my favorite flower. No? Ok. Too bad.  My grandma (GG) always had them on the side of her house and they just remind me of good times in my childhood.
   Ok, where was I? Oh ya, somehow sandy and my mom (Her name is Kelly btw) stayed in touch til my mom graduated highschool. After my GG's kids were of legal age, She hit the road! And by road, I mean that 13 hr plane flight over the ocean to Japan! She had been going to college while my mom was in school. Went to college at 35 (or around there) and finished by the time my mom graduated highschool with like 5 degrees lol Associate in Arts, Minor in Education, Major in Psychology, and Her Bachelors Queen B. So after all that She got a teaching job on an American Army Base in Japan. So She packed up and left her kids behind. Which sounds mean, but I don't think i would be here if She hadnt.
   After she left, Sandy and my mom were inseparable. Sandy started dating a guy named Gary, Who had a brother named Mike (ruh-roh) So obviously She wanted my mom to meet the brother. She fell hard for him, I mean It was the early 80s so how do you not fall for a mustache and curly blonde mullet. Apparently he was a charmer... For awhile.
   I'm not sure how long they dated, but I'm guessing not long before they got married. They were already having problems before marriage and hes a very good manipulator and how ever bad the fights were, she still loved him very much. They got married in March of 1983. She was 19. After their Chandler, Ok wedding is when the fighting got much worse! Emotionally, Mentally, Physically. Like most abused Women, She thought if I get pregnant it'll stop. So She did. Right after they got married! Didn't work. She ended up leaving and moving her things down to Dallas, TX to live with her Dad. He followed her tried to beg for her back but She didn't at that time.
   I was born on December 23, 1983 in Dallas, Texas. They brought me to my mom in a Christmas stocking 😢 She named me Kristin Ann Glasgow. She has a couple of reasons for the name Kristin, 1 being there was a show called Dallas (kinda like a country 90210) and there was a girl on there named Kristen and She liked the name. 2 being it was two days before Christmas, She was probably thinking Christ what have I gotten myself into as well but she's never admitted that to me.
   A couple of months after I was born Mike (my father) begged her to move back home, said he was different, and He had changed blah blah. She believed Him. So He came and got us and I made my trip to Oklahoma for the 1st time to live with my mom and dad. But shortly after, He went back to his ways.
   Since I was less than 1, I obviously don't have any memory of this, but pictures are worth a thousand words. They had apparently got into another huge fight, I don't know what it was about it but that doesn't matter. Whatever it was made him mad though bc she ended up with a few bruises and that's not the worst part. He had gotten out a glass jar of mayonaise and chunked it at her head, gashing her head open. I don't know who called the cops but she was rushed to the er where the gash was so big they had to shave her hair off her head to stitch her up.
   She left Him for good after that, saying She wouldn't her baby in that environment.
   She has always said I'm her angel baby, bc if it weren't for me being born, She probably wouldn't be here today. 
   But to me, She'll always be idol. She went thru so much just to have me. Then endure what she did , courage to leave and not look back, and then become a single mom. She'll always be the strongest woman ill ever know. I'll always have her back for not only what she endured but what she did for me!
   "A mother's love is stronger than anything in the world."

Monday, January 26, 2015

The nerd & The jock

My name is Kristin. Id tell you my last name but itd kinda ruin a part of the story. I live in Moore, Oklahoma. I was born in Dallas, Texas but was raised and lived here my whole I pretty much know that spring or winter there's about a 110% chance of a tornado. It can be 90 degrees one day and snow the next day. If You know a neighbor with a shelter, You befriend them, crazy or not.
I graduated from Moore High School in 2002, with a class of over 600. I was a nerd, still am but we'll talk about that later. AP English, AP Spanish, Calculus, Chemistry, Psychology, Sociology, Banking, Shorthand etc... The whole shebang. I played soccer but it wasnt my life, i actually enjoyed school, NOT going to school but i enjoyed the work and homework. I had just a little cluster of friends and we did everything together! I got detention once in my entirety of school years and that was bc I forgot to get my weekly English notebook signed. I was a rebel. We were allowed 5 missed class days per 9 weeks and I sure as hell didn't dare to miss more. If my friends and I ditched class it was to just to drive to our "cool'' spot known as cry baby bridge, which was supposedly haunted by, you guessed it, a baby. We thought it was so cool, Even though we were the only ones that went to it. I didnt even go to my very first party til my graduation night. Did I mention I was a nerd? Even though My school was big, Oddly enough, Moore didn't really have much at the time! All we had was a Walmart, and not the kind with the grocery store! They upgraded shortly after and turned into the super walmart. Then all of a sudden, fast forward a few years and there's everything on every corner in a 4 mile radius! Except ironically no OnCue, probably bc they know itd just be taken down eventually by a tornado. Ill be honest i thought i was a small town girl (livin in a lonely world) Moore was just a suberb of Oklahoma City (which is really big!). We didn't even have a "See Moore" sign on the highway. You know, those signs that say what all there's to do here, mostly bc there's nothing really to do. My theory was always bc they didn't want someone spray painting "butts" under "See Moore" like from The Simpsons.
My small town feeling ended when i met my now husband, Danny in 2006. He was actually dating my best friend at the time and i was dating someone else by all four of us hung out all the time! Mostly bc him and i didnt want to just hang out with our significant others alone. Shortly after I ended up breaking up with my now ex and Danny ended his relationship with my best friend in early December of 06. After though, Danny and I continued to stay friends and talk and We started to realize we actually had alot more in common than we thought. We ended up having our very first date on January 3, 2007. which btw was not cool with my best friend, I know its like the #1 rule, don't date your friend's ex. We didn't talk for over 2 years after that, but we reconciled and since we had been best friends forever before we thought it was stupid to end over a guy.
Ok back to Danny....from Harrah, OK and they literally only have a sonic and a piggly wiggly. Well then anyways, they have a McDonalds now too lol. He graduated with around 100 people. When we first started dating He told me He was voted "most popular" haha, i thought that kind of stuff was only in movies! But nope i saw his yearbook and yup theres 2 whole pages dedicated to him and his fellow "most" whatever's. He was the star basketball player, point guard starter. The girls swooned over him, they would even do his homework! Everything i pretty much hated about guys like him at my school! But from everything ive heard he wasnt a snob like those kind of guys that i imagined or saw in my school. Hes the most friendly guy you'll ever meet, which sometimes isnt always the best thing but hey what can you do.
Anyways after seeing and hearing all that, i quickly realized my town was a lot bigger than i thought and that I loved it a lot more than I thought! God bless you Walmart! After I dated my very handsome popular small town man for about 11 months He proposed in November of 2007, I'm guessing bc Walmart was just as important to him. Shortly after the wedding planning started, on my part anyways, and We set for July of 2008 to get hitched!
God had other plans though. Two months after he proposed, This woman started feeling sick, and by sick i mean puking up my guts. After taking five pregnancy tests, yes you read that right! For some reason He seemed to believe they were lying no matter how many times i told they dont do negative positives! So the fifth one, which by the way was a digital one that literally said pregnant so he finally believed it. Yup. I was pregnant! After months of planning on a wedding that we had planned on having 7 months from then ��
Luckily We didn't do the whole save the date cards to our guests cause, you guessed it, we had to move the wedding up a few months to April so I'd only be 4 months and not showing yet. To be honest, I was more than willing to wait til after I had the baby to have a wedding. I wasn't in a hurry, the dress would still be there after and I'm pretty sure He would've too �� but of course my mother wasn't having that idea! I was having the damn thing in April and I was gonna like it!